What's next?
Now that you have already submitted your revised contribution, you have until the 30th of September to submit your presentation.
Presentations format,
templates and submission
The presentation format of the contributions has been carefully designed to maximize the experience of the authors and the participants. As a non-traditional conference, we aim to use methods that differ from others!
Below, you will find the instructions for the format of your presentation and the template for the slides.
Important Dates
Submissions are open until the 10th of June.
Decision of acceptance or rejection: 20th June 2024.
Submission of final contribution: 1st September 2024, 23:59 (GMT+3).
Registration deadline: 3rd of September.
Presentation dates: 3rd and 4th of October in Bogotá, Colombia.
Who is
UnBoxed for?
Submissions are welcome from contributors with affiliations to universities or organizations with a Design Factory or those seeking to establish one (an invitation is required for the latter). Nonetheless, the event will be open to the public.
This unconference is aimed at educators, experts, and practitioners.​
The sub-themes
Supporting Student development of teamwork competencies in Problem-Based Learning
Explores effective strategies for coaching, along with tools and practices that enhance learning and collaboration in student teams, as well as student competencies development. This subtheme delves into the dynamics of project-based courses, offering insights into fostering an environment conducive to team success and innovation.

Fostering successful real-life challenges
This theme delves into effective strategies for integrating open real-world challenges into course objectives, focusing on forming and managing partnerships in project-based learning. It covers the intricacies of negotiating partnerships, harmonizing expectations, maintaining fruitful collaborations, and offering meaningful guidance to students, educators, and organizations. Additionally, it encompasses aspects of teacher professional development, including the transition of educators from experts to mentors or coaches within these tasks.
Experiments in
user studies
This theme delves into the latest teaching practices in the integrated instruction of interviewing, gathering observations from stakeholders, prototyping, and validating. It examines the evolving field of education in prototyping and validation, emphasizing innovative methods and tools that transform how students conduct user studies and how it impacts their learning.

Integrating Sustainability into Innovation Teaching:
This theme explores the integration of sustainability principles into teaching. It delves into the methods, tools, and practices essential for embedding sustainability within new educational strategies.

Integrating AI tools into Project-based learning and teaching:
This theme focuses on incorporating AI tools within project-based learning and teaching. It investigates the methodologies, tools, and practices essential for embedding AI technologies and frameworks into the creation of new teaching strategies as well as potential ethical considerations.

Formats of contribution
Educational Innovation Showcase
The Educational Innovations Showcase is a format tailored for educators, teachers, coaches, and those who actively teach. It serves as a platform to display inventive teaching methodologies, unique curriculum designs, and effective learning tools that have been successfully implemented in the field of education.
This includes:
Teaching and learning methodologies and techniques:
Contributors can present instructional strategies that they have employed to enhance teaching and learning experiences in education. Presenting new techniques or tools that have been effectively utilized to enrich students' experience. This could range from teaching methods to hands-on kits, for example.
Focuses on sharing curricular approaches that have been developed or adapted in response to the changing demands of education. It covers various topics, including interdisciplinary courses, the integration of new technologies, project-based learning frameworks, and the challenges institutions face when organizing non-traditional courses.
Student contributions and outcome reporting in theoretical and problem-based courses:
Opportunity to share course results or outcomes, and project lessons-learned. Contributors should share and explicate how they mentored and joined innovation projects where students acquired real commitments to private or public organizations.

Themed Storytelling Sessions
Contributors write a one-page narrative essay on the conference theme, focusing on personal stories or professional insights. Before the event, these essays are shared among attendees to build interest via the "DFGN Zine." Discussions are organized in a dynamic fishbowl format during the event, grouping participants by theme. A moderator guides each group, encouraging in-depth exploration of the themes based on the essays. Post-event, a summary of these discussions is compiled and shared with the participants.

Hyper Posters
This format lets experts present their experiments, prototypes, or projects visually. Contributors submit a visually compelling poster and a one-pager, combining clear graphics and brief text, possibly including QR codes for additional digital content. The focus is on succinctly showcasing innovation and results. These posters will be exhibited at the conference, with opportunities for the contributors to engage in interactive discussions.

Outlet of the UnBoxed
All contributions accepted to UnBoxed will be featured in the DFGN Zine, a magazine-style publication designed for easy access, capturing the rich insights and knowledge generated during the unconference.
The DFGN Zine is a self-published compilation showcasing original texts and images that reflect the innovative spirit of our community.
To ensure wide accessibility, the DFGN Zine will be available in both print and digital formats in all DFGN channels.

Participation Fee & registration:

Please register your participation and pay the fees by the 3rd of September.
The fees for attending the 2-day event are:
150€ For Authors (including dinner)
100€ For Authors (excluding conference dinner)
75€ For external participants (excluding conference dinner)
125€ For external participants (including dinner)
50 € For dinner only guests (invited by authors; spouses, mascots, friends)
40€ For students (bachelor and master)
65€ For students (including dinner)
Please note that conference attendance is included for attendees of the "International Design Factory Week 2024". If you submitted a contribution, all authors attending the event should register.